Win a free CEH course or Ethical Hacking Conference tickets! Details here

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Adatvédelmi nyilatkozat

Készült: 2015. március 11.

1. Fogalmak

  • Adatkezelő: az, aki valamilyen meghatározott céllal kezeli adataidat. Ezeket a célokat jogod van megismerni.
  • Szervező(k): a rendezvény szervezői

2. Regisztráció

A rendezvényre való jelentkezéshez, ismerned kell ezt az adatvédelmi nyilatkozatunkat. A Regisztráció gomb megnyomásával erről nyilatkozol.

Tiszteletben tartjuk személyes adataiddal kapcsolatos valamennyi jogodat, s igyekszünk csak a legszükségesebbeket kérni tőled.

3. A rendezvény szervezője

Magyar Villamosmérnök- és Informatikus-hallgatók Egyesülete (továbbiakban MAVE, vagy Egyesület, melynek, címe 1114 Budapest, Eszék u. 9-11, board kukac

A verseny adatkezelési nyilvántartási számai: NAIH-82734/2015 .

4. Kezelt személyes adatok köre

Ezen nyilatkozat az általad megadott személyes adataiddal kapcsolatos jogaidról, valamint az adatkezelés módjáról tájékoztat, melyeket kezelnünk szükséges.

5. Adatkezelésben érintett adatok köre és az adatok kezelésének célja

Név: ezt az azonosításod miatt kezeljük.

Email cím, telefonszám: kapcsolattartáshoz szükséges, mivel a rendezvénnyel kapcsolatban ezeken az elérhetőségeken keresünk fel (kérdés, üzenet, stb). A Szervezők és a támogatók szakmai lehetőségeit az Egyesület az itt megadott címre eljuttathatja.

Iskola, Egyetem: Egyetemisták és dolgozók számára opcionális, megadható adat, kizárólag statisztikai célok miatt gyűjtjük.

Önéletrajz: önéletrajzod feleljen meg az alapvető követelményeknek (név, legalább egy elérhetőség megadása, végzettség). Önéletrajzodat a rendezvény meghatározott támogatói köre megismerheti. Az adatkezelésben érintett támogatók körét ezen a linken találod meg. A rendezvénnyel kapcsolatban nem lévő, vagy az adatkezelésben nem lévő harmadik félnek nem adjuk át semmilyen adatodat, a továbbításról tájékoztatást kérhetsz.

Az Önéletrajznak valóságos információkon kell alapulnia, mely csak és kizárólag hozzád köthető, s követnie kell egy önéletrajztól elvárható színvonalat. Formáját az Egyesület megbízott tagjai ellenőrizhetik és tartalmát összevethetik a regisztráció során megadott adatokkal (valóságtartalom vizsgálata és önéletrajz szabályainak való megfelelés ellenőrzéséhez). Ezeket az adatokat az adatokatkezelő Szervező a továbbításon kívül másra nem használja fel. A továbbításról (módjáról, idejéről) legalább 5 évig jogosult vagy információt kérni az Egyesülettől, mint adatkezelőtől.

Önéletrajzodat törlését bármikor igényelheted emailben, melyet visszavonhatatlanul törlünk rendszerünkből is. Nevedet, email címedet és telefonszámodat a törlés időpontjától kezdve harmadik fél nem ismerheti meg. Természetesen regisztrációdat is töröljük, amennyiben kéred a MAVE fenti elérhetőségein.

6. Adatkezelés ideje

Valamennyi adatodat az Egyesület, mint adatkezelő a rendezvény adminisztratív lezárásáig kezeli (a rendezvény utolsó napjától számított maximum két évig).

Önéletrajzodat a meghatározott támogatói körnek való átadás után tovább nem kezeljük, azokat véglegesen töröljük.

A támogatókkal kötött megállapodások tartalmazzák, hogy a rendezvény utolsó napjától számított maximum két évig használhatják fel toborzási célból az átadott önéletrajzodban szereplő adatokat.

7. Technikai jellemzők

Megadott adataidat a törvényekkel összhangban, titkosítottan kezeljük, mely a továbbításra és a tárolásra egyaránt vonatkozik. Adataidat a rendezvény dedikált szerverén tároljuk, s mindent megteszünk azok biztonságáért.

8. Egyéb

Adataid kezeléséhez adott hozzájárulásodat BÁRMIKOR visszavonhatod! A visszavonást az Egyesület címére küldött ajánlott küldeményben, vagy a board kukac címre küldött elektronikus levélben tudod megtenni. A törlésről haladéktalanul intézkedünk.

Win a free CEH course or Ethical Hacking Conference tickets!


The prizes will be draw between the Hungarian participants, who registered in this website, and attended the lectures. The winners will be notified in email after the end of the workshop.


CEH course

To beat a hacker, you need to think like one! This is exactly what this class will teach you. It is the pinnacle of the most desired information security training program any information security professional will ever want to be in. To master the hacking technologies, you will need to become one.
The definition of an Ethical Hacker is very similar to a Penetration Tester. The Ethical Hacker is an individual who is usually employed with the organization and who can be trusted to undertake an attempt to penetrate networks and/or computer systems using the same methods and techniques as a Hacker.
The Certified Ethical Hacker class will immerse the students into a hands-on environment where they will be shown how to conduct ethical hacking. They will be exposed to an entirely different way of achieving optimal information security posture in their organization; by hacking it! They will scan, test, hack and secure their own systems.

Ethical Hacking Conference tickets

In May, the NetAcademy is organizing its usual spring conference for the 8th time. They are expecting specialists, who aspire a bit-level knowledge on information security. The attending participants should reckon on exciting hands-on labs in the topic of ethical hacking. Up-to-date threats, vulnerabilities as well as live hacking awaits you with contribution of professionalists!


Schedule for the lectures

The lectures will be held through four day (2015.03.23. - 2015.03.27) in four different universities. The order of the sites will be the following:

  • 03.23. Monday - BME (I IB025)
  • 03.24. Tuesday - OE (KC.2.203-4)
  • 03.26. Thursday - ELTE (D 0-805)
  • 03.27. Friday - PPKE

Lecturers and Lectures


How to perform Security Audit on a Web-Application

Andrew Gecse
Monday (03.23) 11:00 - 14:00

Andrew is one of the most well-known hackers in Europe, and the founder of Rent-a-Hacker.
In early 2000's when companies were still advocating ISO standards,- Andrew was already defending the worlds biggest commercials sites and actively working on the security controls of the world biggest ISP's,- he also has been a Security Expert of several Fortune 100 companies e.g (Siemens,British Telecom).
On his wide range of completed mission list we may find plenty of mission critical systems from commercial sites up to the Security Test of a Nuclear Power Station.
Industries he worked with include: Telecom, Energy, Banking, Retail.


IT security problems of biometric systems.

Otti Csaba & Fehér András
Óbuda University
Tuesday (03.24) 09:00 - 10:45

The world Trade Center twin towers collapsed on 2001. 09. 11. and as a consequence of this event the world has been changed forever. The main goal of the authorities became to identify terrorist threats, wanted criminals and even suspicious acts by automatic recognition systems. The biometric solutions are spreading as well in the private sector, the security systems are running more and more complex algorithms thus the physical and IT security increasingly converging. Today’s main challenge is the most security manufacturer company have no experience to develop systems that comply with the IT security standards and principles. The physical security professionals must know the possible IT risks to design secure systems.
The main topic of the presentation is to analyze this phenomenon and to discuss the future possibilities.

Security of ePassports

Tomcsányi Domonkos
Tuesday (03.24) 10:45 - 11:15

Hungarian passports were changed around 2009 to comply with the regulations of the European Union meaning that they not only store data in printed form but also in electronic form. The main points while creating the standard were rapidity, simplicity and efficiency so the committee decided to use an implementation based on RFID. For some odd reason security wasn’t one of the key points which is unacceptable when designing such a document. The presentation will walk through all the attacks that are known against ePassports: cloning (how to be at multiple places in the same time?) creating a (fake) passport with arbitrary data etc. In the end the currently used countermeasures will be evaluated so you will be able to decide whether your data is protected well enough or not.


So you want to be a hacker?

Varga-Perke Bálint (Buherátor)
Thursday (03.26) 09:00 - 09:45

Social Engineering - Fifty Shades of Lie

Oroszi Eszter
Thursday (03.26) 09:55 - 10:40

One of the most important security issues at all business organizations is to improve security awareness level of the employees. Unfortunately, a lot of companies do not consider it to be so critical. Usually they think that technical security solutions, firewall and anti-malware systems are enough to protect the information assets of their company. But there are some attack methods that exploit various deficiencies of the employees’ security awareness and can cause damage and loss not only to the targeted employee, but the whole organization as well. As Johnny Long, author of “No Tech Hacking”, wrote in his book about how to exploit vulnerabilities of human factor, Social Engineering is the most essential weapon in a no-tech hacker’s arsenal. (Long, 2008) In my presentation I would like to introduce the Audience into the world of Social Engineering, and its auditing methods.

Humans and machine in IT security

Márton Illés
Thursday (03.26) 11:05 - 11:50


Malware Analysis

Nemes Sándor
Friday (03.27) 09:00 - 09:45

Social Media Engineering - uncontrolled playground

Oroszi Eszter
Friday (03.27) 09:55 - 10:40

Nowadays almost everybody use the opportunities of Social Media and have Facebook, LinkedIn or same profile. The main topic of my presentation is the risk inherent in these sites. I will introduce the possible types of human based threats using Social Media, like data leakage, identity theft, spam- and malware-spreading techniques and phishing attacks. Demonstrating the reality of the discussed problems, I will show some examples and best practices from the real life.

Next generation APT-protection with Stormshield Endpoint Security

Gömbös Attila
Friday (03.27) 11:05 - 11:50

Stormshield offers next-generation end-to-end security solutions worldwide, certified at the highest level, to protect networks (Stormshield Network Security), workstations (Stormshield Endpoint Security), and data (Stormshield Data Security). In this presentation you will learn about APT attacks (Advanced Persistent Threats) and Stormshield Endpoint Security Systems at work. You will get insight into the APT life cycle and get answers to the question 'Is Antivirus dead?'.

Other lectures and additional informations will coming soon. Stay tuned!

Schedule for International Participants


Take a look at the beauties you'll get the chance to see with your very own eyes!


Often described as the "Little Paris of Middle Europe", Budapest is famous not only for the monuments reflecting its own 1,000-year-old culture, but also for the relics of others who settled here. Remains both from the Roman and later Turk occupation can still be seen in the city. Post Ottoman Empire the union with Austria has a particular influence on the city's form and style.
The capital's two sides Buda and Pest stretch along the banks of the Danube, representing two different characters of the city.
Suburban Buda and its historic castle district offer medieval streets and houses, museums, caves and Roman ruins. The dynamic Pest side boasts one of the largest parliament building in Europe, riverside promenades, flea markets, bookstores, antique stores and café houses.
Budapest has a lot to offer. Museums and galleries, churches and synagogues, palaces and historic buildings, baths and pools are presented together with the influence of Secession in the city. There is an unmistakable feeling that something out of ordinary is just around the corner, but what it will be is up to you to find out...

Budapest University of Technology and Economics

"The mission of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics is to contribute to Hungary’s economic advancement, effective research, development and innovation through the pursuit of education, learning, and scientific research in the fields of technology, economics, natural and social sciences at the highest levels of excellence. Both as a participant of international research programmes and as a leader of Hungarian research initiatives BME’s activities cover the entire innovation chain: basic and applied research, technological and economical product and service development, complex quality management and utilizing research results."

Dr. Gábor Péceli
Rector of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Eötvös Loránd University

Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), the longest continuously serving university of Hungary, was founded in 1635 in the city of Nagyszombat (today Trnava, Slovakia) by Cardinal Péter Pázmány, Archbishop of Esztergom. It serves the interests of high quality education and research, building upon the best European traditions. The mission of ELTE is to preserve and enrich national and universal culture, to cultivate science and to pass on academic knowledge, as well as to shape and satisfy the real, long-term needs of Hungarian society and of mankind.

Óbuda University

Óbuda University is a dynamic and thriving institution located in Budapest, heart of Hungary, heart of Europe. For 132 years of existence, the educational excellence has remained paramount. The history of our institution is spanning over three centuries. Óbuda University was established as of 1 January 2010, as a legal successor of Budapest Tech – and its legal predecessors, namely Donát Bánki Technical College, Kálmán Kandó Technical College, and the Technical College of Light Industry. The fundamental mission of the University is to serve science and the future by transferring and developing knowledge at high standards and by research and innovation.

Pázmány Péter Catholic University

Until 1948 Pázmány Péter Catholic University had been the citadel of Hungarian academic education, at which point it was split into three institutions. After more than 40 years, due to the change in the political system in Hungary, this university having only one faculty has been developed into Pázmány Péter Catholic University, by establishing the Faculty of Humanities and later, the Faculty of Law. The Faculty of Information Technology was founded on July 1, 1988 and is located in Budapest. It has been renamed to Faculty of Information Technology and Bionics on May 1, 2013.

The Faculty of Information Technology and Bionics aims at the education of anthropocentric information technology based on a broad spectrum of fundamental subjects incorporating biology, and the constantly renewing state-of-the-art technologies. The Faculty offers an approach to information technology and bioinformatics that on one hand puts man in the focus, and on the other hand is motivated by nature.


EESTEC Participants

Official Participants

Branislav Sredojev
LC Novi Sad

George Damaskinos
LC Athens

Jeffrey Remien
LC Hamburg

Matej Vehar
LC Ljubljana

Muhammad Imran Khan
JLC Kaiserslautern

Korpas Kamarianos Alexandros
LC Athens

Lorenzo Gasparini
LC Trieste

Dino Zupanić
LC Zagreb

Pinar Kaymaz
LC Istambul

Malte Buß
LC Munich

Unofficial Participants

Christina Spyropoulou
JLC Patras

Christos-Marios Plotas
JLC Patras

Federico Matteo Benčić
LC Zagreb

Hungarian Participants

Hungarian participants will be notified by an email after the registration for hungarian participants is closed.

Thanks for your registration!


The event (as well as the registration) is over.

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Budapest, Hungary

"If you know your enemies and know yourself,
you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles..."
Sun Tzu

Ethical Hacking #2 Workshop

What is this?

The aim of the workshop

In these days, due to the huge leap regarding the evolution of technology, the Internet has become accessible for anyone. By the wide spreading of social networks, new trends and habits have evolved with less and less attention paid to the security of our own values, namely our personal data.  Meanwhile, the back-end solutions are getting more and more complex in order to satisfy the growing needs of users, protecting complex systems requires more attention from service providers regarding the system maintenance. As it is known, the more extended the system, the greater the chance is to make a mistake enabling a third party individual to take advantage of the system in an unwanted way.

With our workshop we would like to raise attention to the potential risks at which we put our personal data by the lack of caution, if one is not aware enough of the capabilites of those who would like to exploit our data in a harmful sense. Our mission is to motivate the participants of our lectures and practical sessions to act more conciously as well as to encourage the most interested ones to pursue their studies in this exciting and prospective field.

About the workshop

The workshop will consist of four different programme blocks.

Participants will learn about the various areas of IT security during the lectures in the morning. After the free registration, these lectures will be open for Hungarian studens, as well. The early afternoon sessions will provide EESTEC participants with the chance to put their newly gained knowledge into practice by testing their skills in test environment dedicated on purpose to this task. These sessions of late afternoons will include various competitions. The groups of participants will be take part in wargame, computer-forensic excercises and other tasks related to Ethical hacking. In the evenings social events will be organized so that he participants will have the chance to get to know Budapest as well as its impressive sights and wonderful characteristics in the context of cultural programmes.

Number of participants

10 international students will be selected from other EESTEC Local Committees based on prior registration and  knowledge test.

Besides them, 100 Hungarian electrical engineering and IT students with active studtent status will have the chance to attend the morning lectures. They will also be selected based on prior registration.


How can I participate?

International Participants

For International Participants we only accept members of EESTEC. For them we already sent out, the basic informations and the link to the registration sheet through the CP-s mailing list and the event's Facebook group. If you havent got, it ask your local CP or ours at:

The deadline for EESTEC members registration is 2015.02.19.

Hungarian Participants

For Hungarian Participants you only need to register and select the desired days you want to visit the lectures here on this site. Please only select those days, that you will attend, so others can register as well. Only the first 100 registered person can attend the lectures.



MAVEEESTEC LC BUDAPEST is an NGO founded by university students in 1986. The organization was formed with the aim to support the professional development of students attending higher education and help them acquire knowledge that broadens their horizons. As an NGO we have been at work for decades to help the development of connections among students, universities and companies. Our main goal is to help future engineers to do their best both professionally and as human beings as well.

A few examples of the local committee’s activity:

  • Challenge24 - International 24-hour Programming Contest
  • BeeSmarter - 24-hour Smartphone Programming Team Contest
  • 'TANDEM' - Technology AND DEsign in Motion - International workshop
  • 'CIS' - Computer Integrated Surgery - International workshop
  • Morgan Stanley - Seminar series
  • SAP – „Introduction into the mysteries of SAP development” - seminar series
  • Oracle - seminar series

MAVE is a founding member of the NGO EESTEC (Electrical Engineering Students’ European assoCiation), which currently consists of 43 local committees across Europe with a membership of 3000 students. Thanks to this we can not only reach Hungarian students, but also numerous talented individuals from other nations in Europe and we already have experience in organizing large-scale international events like the EESTEC Conference such as:

Throughout our history we have collaborated with several Hungarian universities (BUTE, ELTE, MOME, UO, PPCU, SOTE) and our events are periodically supported by various local and international companies (Google, Facebook, Yahoo!, SAP, Hungarian Telekom, Fornax, NNG, Siemens, Skype, EPAM, Ericsson, Morgan Stanley, etc.)


Gold sponsor

Balabit IT Security
BalaBit - headquartered in Luxembourg - is a European IT security innovator, specialized in advanced monitoring technologies. It has sales offices in France, Germany, Hungary, Russia, in the UK and the United States and partners in 40+ countries. The main development centers are based in Hungary.
BalaBit has customers all over the world including 23 percent of the Fortune 100 companies.
The company is widely-known for syslog-ng™, its open source log management solution, used by more than a million companies worldwide. This significant user base provides a solid ground for the business expansion which is fueled by Shell Control Box™, a pioneering development for the rapidly-growing niche of privileged activity monitoring market.


Since 1999, NetAcademia Education Center has been delivering high-level, unique IT courses in order to make its students capable of designing, installing, maintaining and developing cost-effective and reliable corporational information systems. The company’s employees are highly qualified, experienced professionals, possessing numerous internationally recognized developer, administrator and information security certifications. The Education Center has the highest number of MVPs per square meter in the country, as Microsoft awarded 4 educators with the title.

The EIT ICT Labs Budapest Associate Partner Group (BAPG) is the only EIT ICT Labs (associate) partner located in the Central and Eastern European region. It is a consortium of two local universities namely, the Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) and the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) and their leading industrial partners in informatics and telecommunications: Ericsson Hungary, Magyar Telekom, which are related partners of EIT ICT Labs as well as Nokia Networks, which is willing to join ICT Labs. EIT ICT Labs BAPG holds strategic partnerships with other Hungarian IT companies, like ELTE-Soft, and academic research institutes, like SZTAKI (Institute for Computer Science and Control of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences) - and the consortium is led by ELTE. EIT ICT Labs Master School Majors are offered at BAPG along the lines of the recent thematic focus areas of ICT Labs, with a strong emphasis on Innovation & Entrepreneurship education. The EIT ICT Labs Budapest Associate Partner Group through its business development accelerator program, builds on the innovative potential of the dynamically developing Hungarian and regional SMEs and start-ups. Besides this unique character, it also provides space for the Doctoral Training Centre. The Hungarian Co-Location Centre - in the Infopark - is a regional hotspot and community space of active meetings and work for international students, business partners, researchers and local start-ups. Come and visit us! 1117 Budapest, Bogdánfy u. 10/a • +36.1.381.2334 • •

Simonyi Károly College for Advanced Studies
The Simonyi Károly College for Advanced Studies (the College) operates within the walls of Schönherz Zoltán Dormitory and provides extracurricular opportunities related to electrical engineering and informatics. We borrowed our name from the well-known father of the also-well-known Charles Simonyi, as he (the father, Károly Simonyi) was a great and beloved teacher of BUTE for decades, helping hundreds of soon-to-be engineers on the way to their degrees.
The organization currently has at about 120 members who are able to work in various fields of electrical engineering and informatics divided into groups. The main purpose of the College is to educate and offer opportunity for the members - and also others who are interested - to complete the theory-oriented university education with more practical and specific skills.
In order to achieve that, the College organizes courses, lectures and provides an infrastructure to support the work of the members. Even though the College itself is only 11 years old in its current form, thanks to the work invested in it by its members, hundreds of students of the Faculty had the opportunity to educate themselves in our extracurricular courses and workshops. During this time, a large amount of professional experience, knowledge and technical background have been accumulated, and many traditions have been formed.
For all of these activities the Simonyi Károly College for Advances Studies received the Junior Prima Primissima award in 2009 in the category of “Education and Public Education”.

ESET is a pioneer in the antivirus industry with its award-winning NOD32 technology celebrating its 28th anniversary in 2015. ESET advanced security solutions are trusted by businesses and consumers around the world for protection against today's most sophisticated cyber attacks. On a daily basis, we protect millions of users across all types of environments - be it computers, laptops, mobile devices or servers. ESET Endpoint Security and ESET Endpoint Antivirus, in addition to ESET NOD32 Antivirus, ESET Smart Security and ESET Cyber Security (solution for Mac), are trusted by millions of users globally and are among the most highly recommended security solutions in the world.



Head organizer:

Erik Vogel

Fund Raising

Zoltán Tóth

Chairman of EESTEC LC Budapest

Tamás Fülöp

Contact Person for International Participants

Csaba Maszlag